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AIA Beijing Desk已停止深圳腾晟文化项目与发展中心对CPA-AIA转换项目的合作


为了进一步规范管理CPA-AIA转换项目在中国地区的推广,维护AIA品牌声誉,保护中国会员的权益, AIA Beijing Desk本着谨慎妥善的原则,现通告AIA Beijing Desk已停止深圳腾晟文化项目与发展中心对CPA-AIA转换项目的合作。
对于任何非授权合作单位违规进行招生宣传的行为,AIA Beijing Desk将保留对其采取法律措施的权利。
AIA Beijing Desk
July 12, 2012
In order to further regulate the promotion of CPA-AIA conversion program in China, to maintain the reputation of AIA and to protect the rights of its Chinese members, AIA Beijing Desk now terminates its cooperation with Shenzhen Tengsheng Education Investment Co., Ltd relating the program of CPA-AIA. The decision is based on the principle of caution and shall take effect as the date from today.
Only applicants as practicing or non-practicing members of CICPA, with three years and above work experience are eligible to apply for this program.
AIA Beijing Desk reserves the right to take legal actions against any unauthorized organizations.
AIA Beijing Desk

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