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Last updated on Tuesday, 6 February 2018 09:42
       AIA首席执行官Philip Turnbull表示:“我们悠久的历史是围绕‘国际会计师’建立的,因此,建立国际化的培训是非常符合我们建会90周年的主题的,也会为我们的会员提供他们需要的每年的后续教育,成为名副其实的国际会计师。
       北京国家会计学院的秦荣生书记对AIA成立90周年以及双方的合作表示祝贺并致辞: “九十载风雨,造就精英无数;九十年沧桑,培育桃李满园。在贵会九十周年华诞到来之际,送去我们的祝福:祝愿我们合作更深入,培养更多的人才,创造更大的辉煌!”
The Association of International Accountants (AIA), the global body for professional accountants is delighted to announce a long-term collaboration with the BNAI which will offer AIA members FREE online continuing professional development (CPD).
In order to facilitate and promote continuing professional development, reduce training costs, improve the effectiveness of training, and constantly improve the professional quality of our international accountants, AIA invest significant resource on providing our members with the most relevant and up to date training and development opportunitites.
The BNAI is incorporated as an institutional organisation subsidiary to the Ministry of Finance. In recent years BNAI has formed an education and training system encompassing degree education, training, and e-learning. BNAI is privileged to have a strong faculty with proficient theoretical background and rich practical experience. BNAI has trained a large number of high-level accounting and auditing professionals for China's macro-economic management departments, large/medium-sized enterprises and social intermediary organisations.
The collaboration between AIA and BNAI will offer significant training and development opportunities for AIA members with the provision of a platform from which to undertake up to 40 hours of CPD per year, from a selection of 100 hours worth of courses. Courses on offer will include  topics such as; Accounting Issues in Merger and Acquisitions, Investment Audit of Capital Construction and Tax Issues for PPP Projects.
Commenting on the collaboration AIA Chief Executive, Philip Turnbull, said: “Our long history has been formed around building ‘international accountants’, so it is fitting in our 90th anniversary year that we are continuing to build international relationships, which in turn will provide our dedicated members with the continuing professional development they require in order to remain a truly international accountant.
“We look forward to working closely with BNAI in the months and years to come.”
BNAI, Dean Qin, added: “90 years of industry, creating numerous professionals; 90 years of diligence and education of uncountable amount of people. Our best wishes to AIA’s for their 90th anniversary. I Hope our close collaboration will train more talent and create greater glories.”

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